While attending a conference near the Seattle Convention Center, I found myself just 1.5 miles away from the iconic Space Needle. Inspired by the fall colors saturating the landscape of Seattle in November, I made the decision to wakeup very early to photograph the Space Needle in the soft early morning light. It was so early that it actually qualifies for night!
Equipped with my 17-55mm f2.8 lens, I was ready to capture few shots of Space Needle with lights still on and with no natural light. Here are few shots.

Photographing in low light conditions has always intrigued me, although I’ve often struggled with no so good results, with about 80% of my attempts falling short until I play with lot of settings and understanding of lighting situation at that time.
LCD screen on my camera proved to be of little assistance ( I never trust LCD for the lighting) beyond some framing checks. If you are familiar, turn on the histogram is your camera allows it or take few prep shots and check the histogram. Histogram is your best friend.
While I usually make it a point to carry my tripod, luck was not on my side on this particular occasion. Nevertheless, I managed to capture some shots using a 17mm focal length, f2.8 aperture, and a shutter speed of 1/8 second.
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