Cleveland Metro Parks, often referred to as the “Emerald Necklace” for its interconnected network of parks and reservations, plays a crucial role in the monarch butterfly’s migration. The parks provide essential stopover points for these weary travelers during their long journey south.
Location: Wendy Park, around mid of September. Follow Cleveland Metro Parks Facebook and Instagram page for Monarch Butterflies sightings.

One of the key features of the parks that attract monarch butterflies is the abundance of nectar-rich wildflowers. As monarchs make their way through the parks, they rely on these native plants to refuel and regain their strength. Some of the native wildflowers that serve as vital nectar sources include purple coneflower, milkweed, goldenrod, and Joe-Pye weed. These plants not only sustain monarchs but also support other pollinators and native wildlife.
The monarch butterfly is perhaps one of the most iconic and recognizable butterflies in North America. Its distinctive orange and black patterned wings are a sight to behold, but what truly sets monarchs apart is their incredible migration journey.
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